Mothers Against Jeffrey Mothers Against Jeffrey

This Wednesday, I sat down, with my chips and guacamole, notepad and pen in hand, ready to watch this week's episode of "Project Runway" and I almost could not control myself from hurling an avocado-covered bowl at the TV! No, but seriously: what an episode! Two in a row! First , Alison getting booted, then Jeffrey calling someone's mom a "Crazy B****"!! Am I watching MTV's "Real World Key West" or "Project Runway"? I actually loved the challenge and thought it was one of the best ones, especially showcasing large size and real-life fashion issues instead of having to design and create something for a 5'11 , size 2 Amazonian model.
I am sure that this episode will be scandalous and cause polarizing comments such as "Jeffrey is Crazy!" and "Angela's Mom is Insecure!", and I cannot wait for the "I am sure it didn't happen that was the editing..." Stay tuned, I am sure next week, the mud-slinging between Jeffrey and Angela will continue. Hopefully, though the fashion will overshadow the overwrought drama. Read my recap of the entire episode