Happy Halloween!

Halloween Costume Ideas by Nick Verreos

NPR--National Public Radio , asked me, as well as several Project Runway designers, to submit some Halloween costume ideas for their story on NPR.org. They asked for a costume idea for "Adults" and one for "Children". I jumped at this invitation, since I am a big fan and supporter of National Public Radio and I love to sketch so I wanted to show them what my ideas would be for Halloween.

Initially I wanted to draw Madonna in a Malawi costume with her new child, but thought that might be a bit controversial! Instead I chose to sketch "Flavor Flav" and his "lady-friend", "New York". The idea came to me because earlier in the week, I accompanied Andrae to the "Reality Remix Awards" in Hollywood. He was nominated, and won (of course) for "Best Crying Scene of 2006". It was a mess of an event with all those "reality show" stars, and I use the term loosely, from shows such as "Amazing Race", "Survivor" and "Meet The Carters". "Flavor Flav" and "New York" were there and I instantly thought "Oh, there's going be a lot of people dressing up as them for Halloween".
The thought was in my mind when I put pencil to paper and then sketched my idea for "Adult" costumes. I think they turned out quite fun!
The children's costumes were easy, simply because I thought that Disney's "Pirates of the Caribbean" was such a big hit that many kids would be dressing up as Johnny Depp and Keira Knightley's characters. And if I had my way, that's how I would dress my niece and nephew to go Trick o' Treatin'. The sketch is dedicated to them.
Click HERE to see the entire NPR article and all the sketches from the other Project Runway designers.