Boy, what a show last night! From last week's previews, I knew there was going to be drama, but I didn't realize how much!
These Project Runway Reunions are always a doozy: First Season had one of the designers actually leaving the Reunion, after getting drunk and spilling wine all over the floor; Last Season, there was the bringing out of the models to discuss Zulema's "Walk Off" , as well as Guadeloupe's 5 Cosmos-later banter. What you guys didn't see is that she actually FELL OFF the stool she was sitting on, almost hitting the designers that were sitting next to her, as well as in front of her!!! That's when Santino remarked,"Can I have what they are having?"
It looks like the producers must have skipped the pre-reunion cocktails this time around--even though some of the designers look like they needed it!
Keith thought he was Oliver Stone with his "conspiracy" theories of the producers being against him, Vincent insulted all the designers, calling them amateur, as well as showing his "serious ugly" side when the producers did not clean his shirts. Poor Michael Rucker (PR hottie producer) had to deal with that!!
Jeffrey and Angela still got unresolved issues, and as Robert suggested, they need to get it "over and done with" and start dating!! Weird sexual tension there.
The fun clips were good, and by the way, Bradley looked very cute all clean-cut and, were those braces on Michael?? Read my recap on People.com HERE, hope you enjoy it!