Hip-hop dance group, Diversity, did the unthinkable and pipped Susan Boyle at the post to win the 2009 season of Britain's Got Talent. Despite their stunning victory, entertainment journalists are unanimous in the opinion that the winners are "one-trick ponies" and will be soon be forgotten.

Whilst her dream of performing for the Queen may have disappeared with her second place, Susan Boyle, on the other hand will be around for a while. Simon Cowell is rumoured to have signed a recording contract with the singer, a deal that includes a 2 million album distribution contract with US group, Walmart.


... well I suppose the politically correct name would be Tshwane, but let's be honest, T-SH-WA-NE just doesn't have the same ring about it as PRE-TO-RI-A does. And last night it was all Pretoria, the home of the newly crowned Super 14 Rugby Champions.

No-one in their wildest dreams could have imagined an outcome in which The Chiefs were totally annihilated and humiliated. At a time when South Africa is experiencing a drought in the awards and accolades department, even a one-point win would have sufficed. But the Blue Bulls trounced their opponents in their record-breaking win. BLUE BULLS RULE!

Note to self: Isn't it amazing how any organsation or institution that has succeeded in resisting or keeping at bay government interference is still managing to keep pace with the rest of the world?

Fashion Students Face Tough Times--Great CNN Article and video!

Advice to Fashion Students:Instructor Nick: Nick Verreos during one of his Workshops/Classes

CNN just published a very informative article about Fashion Students, the fabulous and very respected Savannah College of Art and Design, and the tough times that may be ahead for fashion design students--current or recently graduated ones. It is a "must read" for all Fashion Design students. Designer Isabel Toledo was at the illustrious school to receive the Andre Leon Talley Lifetime Achievement Award from the school and spoke about dressing First Lady, Michelle Obama, as well as gave out very important advice to the students at SCAD /Savannah College of Art and Design. PETA Would Not Likey: Andre Leon Talley giving you Fur!

Editor at Large for American Vogue, the "larger-than-life" Andre Leon Talley, holds an Honorary Doctorate from SCAD and is on the Board of Trustees, and therefore had this Award named after him.
Click HERE for the entire CNN article.
Husband and Wife Design Act: Designer Isabel Toledo and Illustrator/Artists Ruben Toledo

There is also a great accompanying video with wonderful advice
from Andre Leon Talley, designer Isabel Toledo and her talented husband, illustrator and renown artist, Ruben Toledo. Here is the video:


South Africa is blue! No, I'm not referring to the colour of our lips as we snuggle up under our blankies to fend off the first serious cold weather of winter. Tomorrow is the Super 14 Final, and it's The Blue Bulls versus The Chiefs. Provincialism has been set aside, and tomorrow the entire country will be putting it's weight behind the local team from up north.

With the incredible marketing budget that the Super 14 league has at it's disposal, I'm amazed that no-one has thought of staging a Miss Super 14 pageant yet. Pageants are experiencing a revival in Australia and New Zealand, and I'm convinced that a Miss Super 14 pageant will attract all the leading pageant girls in those countries, as well the leading pageant contestants in South Africa.

Rugby and pageants have a history in South Africa. The Miss Toyota Rugby pageant was held annually from 1975 until 1996 over the Easter Weekend at the Toyota Club Rugby Championships in Durban. Each of the participating clubs would stage a preliminary event, and the eight preliminary winners would then compete for the Miss Toyota Rugby title on the Saturday night prior to the rugby final on Easter Monday.

A look at the list of contestants reveals that a number of the "regulars" on the pageant circuit during that period considered the pageant a major title, and a large number of them even competed in the Miss SA pageant. Although I don't recall if any winners of the Miss SA title ever competed, I do know that a number of girls that made the Top 5 at Miss SA did.

To ensure fairness, each of the 14 teams in the Super 14 league would have a representative on the panel of judges. Each judge would then simply be required to rank the contestants from 1 to 14 without awarding "scores" in each of the competition segments. Naturally, each of the judges would be required to place the contestant representing his/her team first.

The winner would officiate at the Super 14 Final and would be the poster girl for the league for the year. Given the success of the recently concluded Miss Bollywood IPL SA pageant, I'm certain that a Miss Super 14 pageant would be just as popular.


The Miss Earth South Africa pageant is just around the corner, and if rumours are to be believed, Michelle Olivier can start packing her bags for The Philippines. What is it with South Africa and these pseudo-contests? Why bother with a contest if it is just a casting? In any event, don't forget to vote for your favourites (for what it's worth).

Nick Verreos and Tim Gunn at the Project Runway Season 7 Casting!

Nick Reunites with Tim Gunn--and Zoe Glassner!Judges Get Your Pad and Pencil! Nick Verreos, Zoe Glassner and Tim Gunn at the LA Project Runway Season 7 Castings, W Hotel Los Angeles

This past Monday--yes, on Memorial Day--was the one and only Los Angeles Casting for next season's Project Runway. I know, we haven't even seen Season 6 and we are casting Season 7? Yep, that's how TV works kids! I was privileged enough to have been asked to join Fashion Mentor GOD, Mr. Tim Gunn, as well as the stylish and infectiously friendly Marie Claire shopping editor, Zoe Glassner for another run at finding America's Next Great Designer!The castings took place at the chic W Los Angeles Hotel in Westwood. Soon after I arrived at 9:30 AM, I made the mistake of grabbing my coffee and walking out into the gorgeous W Hotel pool area. It was a mistake because, of course, all I could think of was "Oh wait, I can't use the pool, I've got to work!" Not for Nick: The W Hotel Pool

It certainly was "all work and no play" as Tim, Zoe and I proceeded to see a day's full of aspiring Project Runway contestants, who came as far as Hawaii and Oregon (as well as LA, Palm Springs and the SF Bay Area) for "a chance of a lifetime" at this final LA Castings. Kicking Under The Table: Nick Verreos, Tim Gunn and Zoe Glassner prepare to see the aspiring designers

We saw many talented designers, assistant designers, store owners as well as fresh-out-of- fashion school students--some even from my alma mater, the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising/FIDM. There was DRAMA, snippy verbal fights and amusing adulations. I hope they caught it all on film--oh wait, I think there was a camera!! Could there be another "Road To The Runway: Season 7"? If there is, I hope it didn't catch Tim and I kicking each other under the table. Now, speaking of that W Hotel pool, I never got to use it, but Tim, Zoe and I did end our day with some yummy cocktails and spicy nuts at the adjacent W Hotel Whiskey Blue Bar. It was a perfect ending to a productive Memorial Day of Project Runway Season 7 castings.

Marriage Equality March in West Hollywood

A Fashionable Protest: Nick, Brook Lee and actress Amy Hill in West Hollywood
Our Best "We're Angry" Smile: Former Miss Universe, Brook Lee and Nick Verreos march in West Hollywood

Last night, David and I trekked it ALL THE WAY from our "bat cave" in Downtown LA to West Hollywood to join my Hawaiian sister, the gorgeous former Miss Universe, Brook Lee at the Marriage Equality March. What a Couple: NIKOLAKI designers David Paul and Nick Verreos

In case you were in your own cave and didn't hear, the California Supreme Court decided to uphold the ban on same sex marriage and within hours a protest march was organized. I was invited to join in by the NO H8 Campaign founders, photographer Adam Bouska and his partner Jeff Parshley who sent out a "mass email" to come and march. Can We Have an Interview? Brook Lee and Nick Verreos get interviewed by the local media

We arrived into West Hollywood and met up with Brook at our "meeting point", the Santa Monica Blvd. restaurant and bar, Fiesta Cantina. I spotted actress Drew Barrymore, and said "hello". Before I could even finish my hugs and kisses, the No H8 Campaign "march organizers" were just walking out of the bar/restaurant, along with former Miss USA (and No H8 supporter) Shanna Moakler, Miss California USA pageant director Keith Lewis, and celeb blogger Perez Hilton. That's Drew: A partial view of the lovely Drew Barrymore getting interviewed by the media

The only reason we knew is because we immediately saw the photographers go crazy and realized A) It's either Britney coming out of Fiesta Cantina (Nope) or B) The Miss California/Miss USA brigade must be making their exit (Yes).Actress and Comedian, Amy Hill and her daughter Penelope

Along with Brook, I was happy to see the ever-so-fabulous Amy Hill, actress from "All American Girl", "That's So Raven" and so much more. She's Brook's very good friend and was there to march--along with her daughter Penelope. The five of us made our way to the "Starting Gate" of the March and listened to LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, "Star Trek" actor George Takei as well as other notables give wonderful "Go Get 'Em!" speeches. I Do! Scene from the March in West Hollywood

All of sudden, from behind us came a shuffle and a push, and before we could slap someone for being rude, out from the crowd came comedian Kathy Griffin pushing her mom Maggie on her wheelchair--as well as her assistant, photographers and cameramen in tow. Miss Kathy never misses a good "press op", especially when it involves supporting "her gays"!
Thanks Brook, Amy and Penelope for the serene and funny company and for adding to what became a powerful night!
Click HERE for "Access Hollywood's" take on the "celeb factor" of the March and the night.
And below is the latest PSA/Public Service Announcement from the No H8 Campaign, which incidentally features Amy Hill and her daughter Penelope, as well as Brook Lee and her son Fynnegan:


So all those clowns that thought South Africa was immune to the woes of the world now have mud on their faces. All the fancy checks and balances (as well as the dreaded Credit Act) that were put in place were mean't to protect us from the effects of the Global Economic Crisis, but they haven't.

Government departments that were already struggling as a result of widespread corruption and mal-administration, are now on the brink of collapse. A quarter of a million people have lost their jobs in the first six months of the year, demand for goods has hit rock-bottom, economic growth is on the decline, and we are technically in a recession. Whooppee!

I want to digress for a bit. I am about to launch a range of confectionery (sweeties for those that don't know) that is affordable and is a real money-spinner. I really thought I was going to do my bit to help stimulate the economy, but guess what?

It took the Registrar of Companies 12 weeks to register the legal entity through which I am going to trade, and the VAT department is taking another 21 days to provide me with a VAT number. Speaking of the VAT department. 200 work-stations of which only about 20 are manned. Oh boy!

Needless to say, I have lost three months of trading, and the jobs that I thought I was going to create, are still only in the pipeline. Ok! This has nothing to do with pageants, but it is an example of why we have not avoided the Global Economic Crisis. Bureaucracy is killing entrepreneurial will and motivation. But, back to pageants.

Another quasi-Government entity that is on the brink of collapse is the SABC. The SABC owes it's suppliers hundreds of millions of rand, and I read in the paper that independent program producers are going to march on the SABC and demand payment. Yeah right! Do you think they care? The directors are probably already skimming the last available funds in the kitty and giving themselves Platinum Handshakes before the Sheriff of the Court arrives to attach the assets.

With all the trouble at the national braodcaster, the question now is who is going to broadcast the Miss SA pageant at the end of the year? Personally I don't think it will be too much of an issue if the pageant is not broadcast. The pageant survived successfully from 1956 until 1985, and the only coverage it got was the weekly articles in the pages of the organising newspapers, and a 5 minute slot on SA Mirror that was shown at cinemas.

I seriously doubt that M-Net or E-TV would want the pageant since it has become a political toy, and because of that, the target audience that under normal circumstances would be sitting down to watch the show, have lost interest and would rather watch something else. Also bear in mind, that the pageant no longer attracts THE most beautiful women in the country, and if viewers wanted to watch a fashion show they would watch FTV. So what now?

Either Sun International moves the pageant away from Sun City to a large venue in Johannesburg, and puts on an Extravaganza with dancing bears, tumbling clowns and the like that will attract the crowds in their thousands, or they give up the pageant and start a Miss Sun International pageant if all they want is a poster girl for the company.

I haven't been to Sun City since 1998, but I swear, the crowds that swarmed the place back then do not resemble what I now perceive to be the target market of their marketing campaigns. Ok! So most companies offer better deals to potential new customers than which their loyal supporters get. Oops!

So, in summary, the organisers either move the pageant to a venue in Johannesburg and hope that they will get mileage from printed media coverage, or they give up the pageant. At this point in time it appears that the pageant will not be broadcast, and if it is, I suspect it will be a highlights package a few days after the event.


I get really peeved when individuals attempt to justify why there has been a decline in the popularity of pageants by saying that a pageant needs to be relevant and modernised. What a load of bollocks.

The fact of the matter is that the mankind is more concerned with physical appearance than ever before. Even in these tough economic times, very few fashion, fragrance, haircare or cosmetics companies are closing their doors. We'd all rather go hungry than look like crap.

The problem with modern pageants is that the organisers have tried to modernise them to the point where they are no longer recognisable as pageants. People, if we wanted to attend a fashion show, we'd attend a fashion show. When we attend a beauty pageant, we want to see a beauty pageant. Period!

By all means modernise the sets and special effects, and have the contestants wear current fashions, but as I have said before, there is a huge difference between a fashion show and a beauty pageant. A beauty pageant should be about the contestants, and not about the fashions or props.

Let's be honest, the only individuals who really have a lot to say about how irrelevant pageants are, are those who in a million years would never qualify to enter one. When you say pageant hater, I immediately think frumpy, friendless journalist that was never accepted by his or her peers, and is now abusing his or her position as a "voice of the people" by getting back at those who made their lives miserable.

As a pageant follower, I know that pageants are still as popular as they were 30 years ago. There are more pageants now than there ever have been in the past. Every fees, festival, show and exhibition still has a beauty pageant, and the beauty pageant tends to be the most popular event on the schedule.

There are only three reasons why there is the perception that pageants are on the decline:

* The media/press is run by a bunch or raging liberals who have taken it upon themselves to decide that pageants are irrelevant and un-PC;
* There are too many political considerations to be taken into account when choosing a winner at a pageant; and
* We have a greater choice when selecting a television channel that appeals to us, and naturally when comparisons are made with past statistics where we didn't have as varied a choice, the perception is that pageants are less popular.

In any event, I saw a YouTube clip of the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest winner, and compared it to past events. The only difference between the 2009 edition and the 1974 edition, for example, is that fashion has changed and the props are more modern and advanced.

Except for a few innovations as far as the voting goes, and the introduction of sms and telephone votes, the format has remained unchanged over the past few decades. The songs are still all cheesy, corny, pop-sy, catchy, sing-a-long, no-nonsense fun, and after all these years, the contest still draws in excess of 100 million viewers in Europe alone.

The moral of the story is "don't try to fix what ain't broken", coz then you'll break it. Just remember that pageant organisers! The crowd from the Eurovision Song Contest have, and the show is as popular as ever.


Candace Gibbon


Whilst Cindy Nell might, in my estimation, not be one of the most beautiful women ever to wear the Miss South Africa crown, she most certainly is one of my favourite titleholders. What she lacks in physical beauty, she more than makes up for in attitude and determination.

After what some observers called a "shock" win at the 2002 Miss SA pageant, Cindy silenced all her critics by placing third at the 2003 Miss Universe pageant. Although many of her post Miss SA pageant critics did an 180-degree about-face and were suddenly shouting "Cindy's our next Miss Universe" in the run-up to the pageant, it was going to be a monumental task getting past the very fierce (and somewhat unpopular) Miss Dominican Republic, and she ended up in third place.

Cindy's determination succeeded in persuading the Miss SA pageant organisers to move the 2003 pageant to a date after the 2003 Miss World pageant so that she could participate before handing over her national title. And then the unthinkable happened. Although she was not in the same physical shape as she was when she competed at Miss Universe, Cindy was surprisingly left out of the semi-finals at the Miss World pageant in a year in which 20 contestants advanced.

No offence to any of the South African girls that succeeded at Miss World in later years, but Cindy would have and should have out-placed any South African contestant that came after her, but for the fact that the Miss World Organisation's idea of the perfect result does not include a white African.

In keeping with world pageant trends, I am a supporter of the multiple titleholder system for the Miss SA pageant. Not only would it afford more South African women the opportunity to represent the country at a major international pageant, but it would also negate any criticism of the pageant if there is the perception that one particular race group is being favoured when crowning a winner.

Most importantly, however, I strongly doubt that any white South African representative would ever again succeed at Miss World since all Africans are dark-skinned in the most recent Miss World "Idiots Guide to Diversity" Manual. So even if we send Helen of Troy's re-incarnation to Miss World, best we pack a couple of jars of Ingram's Camphor Cream in her luggage coz she's gonna do a lot of clapping.


Victoria Hughes (3)


Noele Joubert (Top 15)


After a rather shaky start in the first semi-final of Britain's Got Talent, YouTube superstar, Susan Boyle, all but assured herself of a place in the final of the competition with her rendition of Memory from the musical Cats. Sporting a new look, Susan hit a bit of a wobbly at the beginning of the song before composing herself and giving yet another stunning performance.


Since society, or is it the media, now dictates that just being beautiful is not enough, and that pageant contestants should at least have some other performing skill or talent, do you think that the judges at Miss SA would give bonus points to a contestant that can do the following:


Dunay Nortje (Top 5)


Whilst the Top 3 slab variants for Cadbury's might be Dairy Milk, Wholenut and Top Deck, the Miss SA pageant prefers Bournville, Caramel and Dream in equal quantities, but with a slight preference for Caramel at the moment.


After a record number of votes worldwide, the FHM Sexiest Woman in South Africa for 2009 is Lyndall Jarvis. Although the actress Megan Fox won the international poll for the second year running, Lyndall was declared the Sexiest in South Africa as she was the highest placed local contestant.

Lyndall is a 25 year old blonde model from Cape Town. FHM readers were first introduced to her when she appeared as Miss May in the 2008 calendar. Her first cover for FHM was in April. She also has a character based on her in the video game Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.


Melissa van Heerden

Opening Night 2009 at the Hollywood Bowl !!

Music Gala Under The Stars!!!The Style Committee: Gala Co-Chair Raymundo Baltazar and Nick Verreos at the Official Breakfast Opening Night 2009 Photo Op, the Hollywood Bowl

Recently, I was invited to be part of the Official Opening Night 2009 Hollywood Bowl Committee by my good friends Raymundo Baltazar and Jonathan Weedman. Raymundo and Jonnathan are one of only three couples to have the utmost honor to be the Gala Co-Chairs and naturally, I was beside myself to be part of this exclusive club spearheading the amazing fabulosity (to coin Miss Kimora Lee) that is to be the Opening Night at the iconic Hollywood Bowl.
These Boots Are Made For Singin': Liza Minnelli at Opening Night 2008 Hollywood Bowl

Last year's Opening Night 2008 was spectacular, to put it mildly, which featured such stars as Liza Minnelli, B.B. King and an amazing fireworks display that lit up the Hollywood Hills like no other night! This year will be just as unbelievable! Hollywood Bowl Hall of Fame 2009: Josh Groban and Kiri Te Kanawa

The first-ever inductees into the Hollywood Bowl Hall of Fame, Garth Brooks and John Williams, return to host as legendary opera star Dame Kiri Te Kanawa and the man with the angelic voice, John Groban, join their ranks---and get inducted into the Hall of Fame.
Opening Night 2009 at the Hollywood Bowl will be Friday June 19Th. The night will be a star-studded event with lots of special guests and even more special surprises! I am so proud to be part of this amazing committee and excited to make 2009 even "bigger and better" than last year's Opening Night. Tickets have sold like CRAZY! Fireworks at The Hollywood Bowl

The Grobanites--fans of Josh Groban in case you didn't know--are very faithful fans and will travel to the ends of the Earth---or Hollywood Hills--to see their one and only Josh (myself included!). But I am sure Dame Kiri Te Kanawa is bringing in her "Te Kanawanites" as well! Watch out , it will be a battle of the Grobanites vs the Te Kanawanites! I, for one, can't wait to be there to witness it!
Speaking of cutie--and very talented Josh Groban--click HERE for a very fun interview he just did for Good Day LA, the very popular Los Angeles Morning TV Show on Fox 11.
Hope you can join me!
Click HERE for ticket information.


Back in 1993, 20 year old Shelley Pearce was crowned Queen of Clubs in Surfer's Paradise, Australia. As the reigning Miss SA Bikini (the official pageant, not the M-Net edition), she qualified to compete at the international pageant against more than 30 beauties from as many countries.

The pageant was started to promote nightclubs and dispel the myth that they (nightclubs) are drug-infested sleaze-pits. 16 years down the line, nightclubs are still trying (in vain) to improve their image, and the pageant, after undergoing a number of name changes, has folded.


Hannri van Schalkwyk (Winner)

Nick Verreos on Us Weekly Fashion Police

Nick's giving "Fashion Tickets"
In case you didn't know, I am one of the "Fashion Police" for UsWeekly's popular end-of-the-magazine column. I've been a "Fashion Cop" for over a year now and I admit, it's a lot of fun, getting these photos and trying to come up with something funny and witty to say. Sometimes I achieve it and well, sometimes I don't.
Just in case you have been near an airport newsstand lately (or the Dentist's Office), here's a Three-for-one: Three past "Fashion Police" UsWeekly issues and my corresponding--and sometimes not-so-complimentary comments.
*Click on images to enlarge


CAPE TOWN: Chantel le Roux (Top 15)
SOUTH AFRICA: Jessica Paulssen


Katya Pappalardo


A while back I reported that I had heard that Precious Makgaretse is aiming for the Miss SA crown this year, and that because of her connections, she would more than likely do very well. Whilst that may be the case, I still feel that she could achieve success at the pageant without any "help" from "you know who".

In addition to her natural beauty and assets, this accompanying photograph does suggest that she may have spent some time with Uncle Osmel in Caracas. I'm all for improving where Mother Nature has slipped up, but was it for self-esteem or is she prepping for the pageant?

Seems that whilst the economy may be down, pageant boobies are definitely on the up.


Carisa Venter


Chantelle Peyper


SOUTH AFRICA: Kaylan Hamel
SCOTLAND: Roxanne Niccolls


SOUTH AFRICA: Dorette van Zyl
PORTUGAL: Nancy dos Reis


SOUTH AFRICA: Soraya Graca
BOTSWANA: Karen Lourens


Leilanie Pretorius


Melissa van Heerden


Angela Beck (Winner)


Before anyone starts whining or takes umbridge, this is a "bitch session" about the poses that pageant contestants take up in official portraits, and not about any particular girls or pageant.

One of my pet peeves with modern-day pageants is that the contestants assume positions as depicted above in official pageant photographs. Whether they do it voluntarily or are told to by the photographer, it is not a good look.

Just remember that it is a beauty pageant and not an audition for the cover of "Gynaecologist's Weekly". You can't go wrong if you listen to your grandmother when she tells you that nice girls cross their legs.

Nick Verreos on New "No H8 Campaign" Behind-the-Scenes Video!!!!!

Nick says Auf Wiedersehen....

The always fabulous Trieu "Trusive" Le, the only (as far as I know) openly gay TV personality of Vietnamese-American descent just sent me this wonderful video he shot, in which he captured the Behind The Scenes action at the No H8 Campaign photo shoot, in which I was a part of. The video shows photographer Adam Bouska and his partner-in-crime Jeff Parshley,--as well as their loving mothers, getting ready for their "No H8" close-up.
You can also see former Miss Universe and Miss USA, Brook Lee (in a NIKOLAKI gown of course!) and Shanna Moakler getting ready for their iconic photo shoot. Sexy Reichen Lehmkuhl(doing push-ups), make-up artist from America's Next Top Model, Sutan, as well as others make special appearances. Speaking of "guest appearances", make sure not to miss my dog Benny, the other love of my life. Yeah, he's all up in there. Don't miss the ending!


A while back I started doubting my ability to "spot" the winner in a line-up of beautiful girls. There was a time when, apart from some really questionable decisions on the part of pageant judges, I could name at least 80% of the leading place-getters in any local or international pageant by merely looking at a couple of photographs.

Then it all went wrong. Whilst my international score only "dropped" by about 10%, my local score did a "freefall" and now hovers around 40%. The problem is I am still "old school" and judge beauty contestants for their physical beauty. The "inner beauty" cliche does not really feature in my decision making.

If a contestant looks like a winner and behaves like a winner in public, she is a winner. What she does in private or out of the eyes of the public is her concern, as long as what she does in no way infringes on the rights of others. Just as one should not mix business with pleasure, one should not confuse the role of a beauty queen with the work of the men and women that have dedicated themselves to improving society. If the beauty queen is actively involved in a social responsibility program, bravo! If not, at least she is beautiful.

I don't judge politicians on their looks, nor do I judge sportsmen for their social responsibility. Whilst a good-looking politician or a socially responsible sportsman are desirable, I am more concerned with whether the politicians achieve the objectives that the electorate has voted them into power for, or whether the sportsman runs, jumps, swims or scores to win the contest or match.

With all of this in mind, I must be honest when I say that I am more inclined to believe the results of the Miss Universe pageant than those of the Miss World pageant when it comes to identifying the best physical beauty at the pageant. South Africa's record at the latter may be better than at the former, but I am still convinced that a number of those results were achieved for reasons other that the intended purpose of a beauty pageant.

I have been very critical of the Miss World pageant of late, criticism that I don't think is unjustified. I do not believe that their choices are free of political and direct economic considerations at the best of times. Granted, a number of winners have been sensational in the looks department, but the pageant as a whole just looks so contrived and "correct" that integrity is questioned. Whilst the Miss Universe pageant is also guilty of manipulation of results to achieve certain political and economic objectives, it is not on the same scale as that of the Miss World pageant.

Over the weekend, the Dominican Republic crowned their representative for the Miss Universe pageant. Ada de la Cruz (pictured above) will represent the island nation in the Bahamas in August. Whilst Ada was the best looking of the Top 6, the other finalists made our most recent Top 5 look like a beauty pageant B-Team. Ada was Miss World Dominican Republic in 2007 and was one of the 16 semi-finalists at the international pageant. But for the fact that the Miss World organisation is currently obsessed with the "flat-chested, lanky model look" as well as the need to have every continent or geographical region represented in the finals, Ada should have been in the Top 5 at the pageant.

Although it is still to early to engrave her name on the Miss Universe trophy, I don't for a minute doubt that she will perform well at the pageant. She is the perfect universal beauty: curvy, dusky and gorgeous. Could she be Miss Universe 2009?

Out and About: Nick Verreos at "Fashion @ The Grove"

Fashion..Under "The Grove" Stars!
Boys Under The Stars: Raymundo Baltazar and Nick Verreos pose at The Grove CoOp Barneys New York Fashion Show

Last Thursday was a MAJAH (in Victoria Beckham's words) day for me: I was filming all day and had a 4 AM Wake Up Call time! I shot all these fun segments for MSN.com Style Studio and even got to meet the GORGEOUS Victoria's Secret Angel and SpokesGODDESS, Marissa Miller. My day was done around 4 PM, got home, took a "disco nap" and somehow, got the energy to attend a fun fashion show at one of LA's most famous shopping meccas, The Grove--that same night! Crest White Strips Smiles: Petro Zillia designer Noni Tochterman and Nick Verreos at The Grove

I was invited by my fabulous friends from S.PR to attend "CoOp Barneys New York presents Fashion @ The Grove", also dubbed a "fashion show under the stars". Anything S.PR puts on is DIVINE and always done right, so I knew I had to attend. It was to be a great evening to witness the latest and most stylish for Spring/Summer 2009 from featured LA and NYC designers like Alexander Wang, Trovata, Twelfth Street by Cynthia Vincent, APC, Petro Zillia and many more.I Want That Trench: Scene from the runway of "Fashion @ The Grove" fashion show

My "date" that night was my friend, Raymundo Baltazar, who was on my season of Project Runway, who actually held one of the first fashions shows at The Grove back in 2007 when he was working for Christian Audigier. Normally, as an LA resident, I try and avoid The Grove if at all possible. It's a "Disneyland" of shopping malls and I only visit if say, my family are visiting from out of town. Other than that, it's just "too much". That water fountain in the middle with the "Last Dance" by Donna Summer musical accompaniment always gets me! It's very "mini Vegas". But I was eager to enjoy a fashion show "under The Grove stars" for this one night. We sat front row center and took it all in. I was happy to be seated next to none other than the fabulously chic Monica Corcoran, LA Times Fashion Blogger and consultant for the new Project Runway season. I also spotted across from me, Sam Shipley , formally of Trovata, one of my favorite menswear lines of all time! As you may know, he and design partner, Jeff Halmos, broke from Trovata and began their own line, aptly named Shipley and Halmos. Petro Zillia designer, the colorful Nony Tochterman was there as well as LA Fashion "momma", Miss Cynthia Vincent, who lovingly made fun of me by saying "Oh Mr. TV Star!!!" when she saw me.Reunited...and it Feels So Good: Nick Verreos poses with models Anna Maria Mostrom and his Barbie Model, Chantal Jones, The Grove

The show was great! All the models (from LA Models) were perfect and all pros (I spotted my Barbie model, Chantal Jones, as well as others who modeled in the FIDM Debut 2009 Show). The clothing ranged from mini biker chic shrunken leather jackets, to cardigan and bow tied boys to floor sweeping draped jersey dresses. The styling, by Elizabeth Stewart, was exceptional. The models were "done and done" from the cutest hat to the fiercest platform spiked heel. Work those Booties Chantal: Model Chantal Jones on "The Grove" runway

This was an LA fashion show at its best. I think I might have just changed my tune towards visiting "The Grove"...Maybe next time my line NIKOLAKI, will be shown "under The Grove" stars....
Click HERE for a great little blurb about the event and fashion show on LA Mag.com.


Suppose ya'll thought this was going to be some scathing attack on the current title-holder? WRONG! It's about my ideas on how we can restore the Miss SA pageant to it's former glory by improving the production and quality of contestants, and renew public interest. Before I continue, however, I do have an announcement: After 19 years as my least favourite Miss SA ever, Michelle Bruce was "replaced" on the 15th of December 2008. Enough said!

Ok, if you do follow my blog, you're probably becoming very frustrated because this entry has changed every time you "pop in" to check on my latest rant and rave or useless bit of pageant trivia. Problem is, there are so many factors to consider and there is no ONE thing that can be done to fix the problem with the Miss SA pageant.

I doubt that anyone that has even a hint of influence with the pageant or the organisers reads my drivel, so I am quite happy to be tagged as the "obsessive pageant fan that has nothing better to do on a cold, wet day in Cape Town other than to "dis" the pageant at every opportunity" by those who do.

UPDATE! I've changed my mind yet again and, rather than detail what is wrong with the pageant and how it should be corrected, I'm working on an entry outlining my idea of the "perfect" pageant. Since the Miss SA title should be viewed as a role rather than being a role model, it will be presented in "script" form.

Marlee Matlin wears NIKOLAKI again!!!

NIKOLAKI on the red carpet: Academy Award-winning actress Marlee Matlin in NIKOLAKI cocktail dress

Last week, actress Marlee Matlin--and recent best-selling author of "I'll Scream Later"--was honored with her very own "Hollywood Walk of Fame" Star. If anyone is keeping score, it is the 2,383th Star. Amongst all her accomplishments in film and television, the most outstanding is that she was the youngest winner of the Best Actress Academy Award.
Later that day, following her induction ceremony on Hollywood Blvd, she hosted the fundraiser "Dancing Under the Stars" along with good friend, actor Henry Winkler. The event was also to congratulate Marlee for her new Hollywood Walk of Fame Star. Many celebs were on hand, including several former "Dancing With the Stars" contestants like Shannon Elizabeth and Kristi Yamaguchi. The 3/4 Shot: Close Up Detail of the neckline and sleeves of Marlee Matlin's NIKOLAKI dress

The beautiful Marlee walked the red carpet in a NIKOLAKI black stretch cotton sateen ruffled-neck cocktail dress with mini-puffy sleeves. Both David and myself were humbled and honored that she chose one of our designs to wear to a red carpet event. She told me that since "I had SO MUCH LUCK wearing your gown at last year's Oscars and got so much press for it...I wanted to wear NIKOLAKI again!"
We love you Marlee! You looked elegant and gorgeous.

Nick Verreos at FIDM DECA Event

Dateline: May 1st
Location: Anaheim, California

Reason: Nick Goes to DECA!Nick Verreos: Your Chair and Photos Await! DECA Conference, Anaheim California
On May 1st, I drove down to Anaheim California, otherwise known as the home of Disneyland, to make a special appearance for the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising/FIDM, at the DECA 63rd International Career Development Conference. DECA stands for Delta Epsilon Chi. As I wrote in a previous posting, DECA is an international association of high school and college students who are studying marketing, management and entrepreneurship in business, finance, hospitality and marketing sales and service. DECA offers the students the skills, knowledge and experience to compete effectively in the national and international workforce. Pageant Wave: Nick waves to a photo-snapping DECA attendee

FIDM had a booth at the conference and invited me to come and do a "meet and greet" and sign autographs. As I arrived, I expected A) not so many kids to know who I was--since this really wasn't a "fashion school conference" and B) a quiet afternoon where I sat at the booth and waved to passers-by.
I was in for a major shock on both statements. Once I walked into the massive hall of the Anaheim Conference Center, I barely had time to put down my "man-bag" and get some water, as I was quickly directed to my position--front and center in the booth--and the growing line of over 100 attendees who had already been waiting for me! (I know, shut up!). FIDM Booth at DECA: You can see Project Runway Season 5 Winner (and FIDM San Francisco graduate) Leanne Marshall's gown from her Bryant Park Finale Collection on the mannequin

Incidentally, the "centerpiece" of the FIDM booth had one of Project Runway Season 5 Winner Leanne Marshall's dresses on display on a form--the final dress from her Bryant Park Show. Here's a secret: The dress was SO SMALL, they had to use a PRE-TEEN MANNEQUIN FORM---in order for it to fit! Yeah, Leanne's model was THAT SMALL!!!Get In Line: DECA attendees await a hug and a photo with Nick Verreos

For the next three and half hours, I met with students from all over the US. I took pictures with each and every one of them , as well as some parents and teachers who sneaked into line. I also signed photos that the FIDM staff had on hand and even did a special fashion illustration (or two) for some lucky visitors. All in all, I heard there were approximately 350 people who came by (I know that because we actually ran out of photos to hand out). I had such a fun time, the three hours felt like 20 minutes. It was NONSTOP meetin' and greetin'!
Future Project Runway Challenge: You must Re-Design the DECA blazer...

One of the highlights for me was finally getting to see those famous DECA navy blue polyester blazers with the patch emblem which all DECA students have to wear and dare I say, some are not too keen on wearing them. In fact, most of the students asked me (OK, they PLEADED!!) if there was ANY WAY I could "re-design" those blazers. Unfortunately, I told them, I couldn't help them with that.Are those necklaces for me? Nick Verreos poses with the FIDM DECA Booth Staff

But I did see that as soon as the students were done with their "competitions", they tucked those blazers away, threw on some shorts and flip flops and were well on their way to enjoying Disneyland. Trust me, when the signing was over, I was "that close" to doing the same and follow them! However, I had to return to my studio in LA-LA land and design some dresses...
Reporting from the 63rd DECA Conference in Anaheim California, Nick Verreos. Signing Out. Go DECA! And of course, go FIDM!

Avedon Fashion Exhibit Opens in New York!

Avedon Madness!

Veruschka, dress by Kimberly, New York, January 1967

Currently on display at the International Center of Photography Museum is a stunning retrospective of Richard Avedon 1944-2000. It is considered to be the most comprehensive exploration to date of Avedon's fashion photography during his long career at Harper's Bazaar, Vogue, The New Yorker, and beyond. All those iconic photographs that every student--as well as every true admirer of fashion-- knows and has ingrained in their minds are in the exhibit. Dovima, Twiggy, Verushka, Suzy Parker, they are all there, in their divine glory. Dovima, The Elephants..and me! Nick Verreos poses with "Dovima and The Elephants" by Richard Avedon, Washington DC

Incidentally, you can click HERE for a wonderful article on the "History of Models" on MODELINIA, which talks about Avedon and one of his most important muses, Suzy Parker.
The exhibition just began today and will go on until September 6TH of this year. I can't wait to go back to New York so I can check it out!
NY Times Fashion Editor Cathy Horyn
always has something wonderful to say about everything fashion and you can click HERE and HERE to read what she thought about the Avedon Exhibit.

And finally, Click HERE to view an amazing slide show of the photographs on exhibit.