It's early days yet, but after perusing the photographs of the Miss Universe contestants for this year, I still cannot come up with a complete list of personal favourites. For one, some of my pre-arrival favourites do not look all that great in their official photographs, and for another, there are still too few group photographs to do accurate comparisons.

I'm also undecided as to whether I will just name my 15 favourites, or will use my customary 5 from the Americas, 5 from Europe and 5 from the rest of the world splits. As I have said before, I'm not in favour of diversity for the sake of diversity, and would not have a problem if all 15 semi-finalists come from the same continent, provided they are the best looking girls at the pageant.

Because it is so difficult to name my favourite 15 contestants, I have decided to start at the other end of the beauty spectrum and eliminate 10 contestants every 5 days who, but for divine intervention or glaringly obvious economic,political or social reasons, do not stand a hope in hell of making the semi-finals and should just enjoy the holiday. I have affectionately named the "winner" Miss Tourist of the Universe.

Miss Tourist of the Universe is....Miss Turks and Caicos. Her runners-up, in alphabetical order, are Egypt, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Guyana, Korea, Kosovo, Nigeria and Trinidad & Tobago. Whilst each of these contestants may be unique and special in her own way, a potential Miss Universe she is not.