Whilst my opinions and comments are not always appreciated, I pride myself in the fact that I speak my mind and call a spade a spade. Well, that's how it is right here in cyberspace. But like most South Africans, I do find that I occasionally have to prostitute myself in the real world (particularly business), bite my tongue and just go with the socially acceptable flow in terms of my comments and opinions.

Unfortunately that is the current status quo in South Africa if you hope to achieve your goals and ambitions. Your public voice does not always echo that which you say in private. I like to think of it as a situational approach to life, or outcomes based behaviour. Others call it being two-faced, just like Janus, the Roman god of gates and doors, beginnings and endings.

The Janus Syndrome is particularly evident in business and social circles where networking, social interaction and toeing the party line ensure continued success. After all, in the real world it's who you know that matters more than anything else. Often I will publicly praise, support and laud a person, situation or event whilst secretly wanting to find the nearest bucket with the intention of depositing my most recent meal into it.

Where is this all leading you might ask? Well, I heard some interesting news last night. Someone very closely associated with the Miss SA pageant (who is actually at the pageant before anyone starts jumping to the wrong conclusions) has commented that the 2 prettiest girls at the pageant are supposed underdogs, and that 2 of the so-called favourites are in reality butt-ugly.

Unfortunately the person in question relies very heavily on public opinion for business success, and I am not at liberty to mention names. And like me at times, the person in question has to compromise integrity in order to achieve continued success in business. Fortunately for me, however, there is a Berlin Wall type border between what I do to earn a living, and my interest in pageants.

For the record, Joanne Cronje, one of my favourites for the crown, was named the most beautiful and elegant of the 12 finalists. Hopefully both she and Nicole Flint (my favourite finalist) will be right up there when it matters, although I strongly doubt it.