The wonderful Laura Kluvo over @ Blogging Project Runway recently informed me of the fabulous Ebay auction taking place involving my Project Runway
Barbie, a
Messenger_Bag autographed by myself, Diana Eng and Tim Gunn and a BPR
T-Shirt that I also autographed and did a Barbie sketch on. She said there was some question as to whether or not the signature on the Barbie box was authentic. I just thought I would do a quick posting to assure everyone that it is absolutely real!! While autographing the Barbie for
Marcia, the Grand Prize Winner of BPR's 1st contest, Laura slyly slipped in a second Barbie to sign. How great that she stashed it away and brought it out at just the right time to help boost the BPR Parsons Scholarship Fund. So bidders, rest assured that it is an authentic autograph and that you are bidding for a worthy cause. Happy Bidding!