Nick on Reality Chat Part Deux

I recently did an interview on TV Guide Channel's "Reality Chat" show with Rosanna Tavarez and Kimberly Caldwell. I was slated to plug the release of the DVD for Season 2 of Project Runway. There are four CD's, with thirteen EXTENDED Episodes plus lots of bonuses. I still have not seen every extended episode . When the DVD's were first sent to me , I have to admit, I was nervous to open them up and I sort of felt like a little kid peeking at his Christmas gifts secretly. I was alone and began to watch the "bonuses" and "extras" but decided to wait and possibly have a "Viewing Party" with my closest of friends, so whatever footage has been added will not only be a surprise to them, but to me as well.
In addition to talking about the new DVD , I also brought a couple of my NIKOLAKI pieces as gifts for the girls. I wanted to make sure Rosanna and Kimberly had " a little piece of me". Needless to say, they loved their gifts! Here is the segment in case you missed it.