This last weekend, I was invited back to San Diego(soon becoming my second home!) to do a couple of Mini-Speeking engagements with the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising at their "Open House". When I arrived at the school, guess what was waiting for me? A Plant Dress!! A local florist, by th name of Peggi Walker(www.peggiwalker.com) who does amazing designs created a dress out of flowers and plants! It was beautiful and very well done. She said that I should have called her when I was struggling with my flower/plant dress. I wish I even had that option during the challenge!
The FIDM "Open House" invites High School students , post- college degree professionals, anyone interested in possibly attending the school for a tour of the school, its facilities, classes, etc. It was fun to meet students who are thinking about fashion and studying design or apparel manufacturing. I spoke about my experience, my schooling, my role as an Instructor as well as a working designer in the industry. The feedback I receive d from everyone who attended was positive and constructive. Cannot wait to go back!