Before you say anything: No, I did not, under any circumstances design the gown on the left shown very proudly (why?) by the Diva , Patti Labelle. I rarely comment here about other people's sites and blogs, however, that might change. One of my favorite sites is called GoFugYourself, where commentaries are made on celebrities who make unfortunate dress choices. "Fugly Is The New Pretty" is their motto and Bai Ling is their mascot! Their writing is biting, witty and very very funny. This last week they just about KILLED me with laughter with their commentary on Miss Patti Labelle. I just about forwarded the link to 50 friends and acquaintances on my Address Book! So tickled was I that I decided to give those Fug webmaster girls big props here on my little ol' blog.
If you are ever in need of a good laugh, then read the full posting HERE
It is simply GENIUS. Keep me laughing ladies and keep finding FUGS on that red carpet! Love ya!