When one studies business management, half a semester is devoted to the study of the social responsibility programs of big corporations. One analyses, dissects, investigates, examines a number of case studies so as to give one a better insight into how such programs should be conducted when one is part of the corporate world in future.
Whilst big business will tell you that they have a responsibility to "give back to the community that serves them", when all is said and done, it's all about the mighty dollar (I'm reluctant to say rand given the tragic exchange rate at present). I can assure you that the board-members don't give two hoots about the community or cause or movement that their company claims to support, but rather whether there is return-on-investment, or if new business has resulted from the sponsorship or financial aid. I have yet to see top management get involved in social responsibility programs outside of the scheduled events that they are required to attend.
With this in mind, I often wonder how sincere the motives of the Miss World and Miss Earth pageants are. Miss World masquerades as the "Beauty with a Purpose" pageant, and Miss Earth masquerades as the "Beauty for a Cause" pageant. Whilst both pageants appear to be involved in very worthy and meaningful purposes/causes, is their involvement in these purposes/causes merely a means to an end?
Given that beauty pageants have come under intense scrutiny and criticism since their heigh-day in the 50's, 60's and 70's, it makes perfect sense from a business point of view to "hide" behind a cause that is near and dear to a large section of the public-at-large. Pageants are viewed as dated, antiquated, sexist cattle-parades, yet that doesn't seem to matter provided the contestants are parading around in eeny-weeny bits of cloth for the greater good of man, rather that entertainment.
I have no doubt that praiseworthy benefits for the community and the environment have resulted from the activities of the aforementioned pageants, but, being the cynic that I am, I am more inclined to think that these benefits are the by-product of some shrewd and cunning business plan rather than the fulfilment of some desire to serve mankind.