Miss YO Hits Amanda Lepore's Birthday in NY!!!

One of my oldest friends---and former FIDM school mate from AGES ago (I'm not tellin')---moved to the Big Apple about a year ago (after stints in Los Angeles and Paris) and has now become part of the fashionable NY nightlife "glitterati". I miss my Miss YO (as I affectionately call her but she goes by Yozmit, her stage name) and our going-out days. She was a muse and a source of inspiration during my "early days" when I was breaking into the Los Angeles fashion industry.

In fact, she came to each and every one of my early fashion shows and even opened my Fall 2002 NIKOLAKI "Morocco" Collection with an incense-burning catwalk that people still remember to this day!
Yozmit is doing amazingly well, where she is known for her performance art and dance pieces she does for various organizations and putting on fabulous theatrical shows. In fact, several months ago, she even performed in front of Madonna and Justin Timberlake (I know!) at Madonna's VIP after party.
Well, I was so jealous when she sent me these photos of her at Amanda Lepore's Birthday Party last week, celebrated, where else? New York City of course. I wasn't invited (I'm too old and far too not-so-fierce to be part of that "In" Crowd), but Yozmit was there, soaking it all in.
Yozmit wore a fitted khaki jacket with Edwardian sleeves, a gold sequined beret, denim mini skirt, a tie-front striped blouse and a fur coat (or was it part of her purse?). Miss Lepore, on the other hand, was giving you CLEAVAGE darling (quelle surprise) in a very fitted silver and black PLUNGING neckline dress. Those nails look DEADLY Miss Amanda! Love them! Hope she didn't scratch my little Miss Yo.