I was under the impression that the lifestyles depicted in magazines and television commercials are the lifestyles that we should aspire too. Granted, many magazine articles and television commercials create unattainable goals, and the attempt to attain such goals could lead to a multitude of social and psychological problems for those who set their goals too high and don't, or can't, reach them.
Rake-thin models, muscle boys and the too-gorgeous-for-their-own-good looks should be banned or not emphasised to the extent that they are, and a more attainable "girl (or boy) next door" look should be embraced. There's nothing wrong with a nicely trim, buff body that with a little effort should be within the reach of most. Not everyone needs to look like a beauty queen or muscle god. But for God's sake, try!
Just because the model, Lizzi Miller, represents what 41% of American women look like does not mean it's ok to look like that. I honestly hope that she's set some of the money she made from that "shoot" aside to have those fat rolls cut away and have a teeny-weeny bit of lypo done. Now fat and fugly are ok because most people are fat and fugly?
The world has gone frigging nuts.